CONTACT information

Address : 73, Seongbuk-ro 31-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea 02879 

주소: 서울 성북구 성북로 31길 73 (성북동 350-5번지) 02879


Telephone : +82 (0) 70-4477-7880

전화번호: 070-4477-7880


To make a general inquiry :

To make a sales inquiry :

일반 문의:

작품 구입 관련:


Opening HOURS (영업시간)

Sun. & Mon. : Appointment only.

Tue. - Sat. : 10:00AM - 6PM

일요일 &월요일 : 사전 예약

화요일 - 토요일 : 오전 10시 - 오후 6시


FOR Visitors

1. Please check the gallery Instagram page for the most recent news and announcements

최근 소식과 알림은 갤러리 인스타그램 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다 

2. We thank you for your kind attention

저희 갤러리에 대한 관심, 진심으로 감사드립니다



Jason Haam opened his eponymous gallery in 2018 on a hillside of a historic neighborhood of Seongbuk District in Seoul, Korea. Founded with uncompromising ethos for quality, the gallery is dedicated to showing works that are original, genuine, and representative of their time. Jason Haam has exhibited a wide-ranging group of contemporary artists across borders and generations. The gallery has successfully introduced works by internationally acclaimed artists, such as Urs Fischer, Jonathan Gardner, and Sarah Lucas, among others, in Korea for the first time and promoted emerging talents like Jungwook Kim and Moka Lee to the global audience through prestigious international art fairs, such as Frieze and Art Basel. As the gallery marks its sixth year, Jason Haam is planned to undergo expansion to an adjoining building next door. The new space will serve as an ambitious exhibition space for the gallery artists and provide a new and engaging platform to the Korean contemporary art scene.