About/회사 소개

Press related to the Gallery / 언론 기사 모음


about The Gallery

Jason Haam opened his eponymous gallery in Seongbuk-dong, Seoul, in January 2017 with the inaugural exhibition of an American painter, Oliver Arms. Since its inception, the gallery has exhibited an extensive array of international contemporary artists. Founded with an uncompromising ethos for quality, the gallery is dedicated to showing works that are both original and emblematic of their time.


In September 2019, Jason Haam presented the very first solo exhibition of Sarah Lucas in Asia, featuring a broad selection of works by the acclaimed British artist. Since then, the gallery has presented exhibitions by Marie Cloquet, Jonathan Gardner, Linn Meyers, Cheikh Ndiaye, and many others, continuing to expand its international program while also promoting South Korean domestic talents such as Jihyoung Han, Mike Lee, and Moka Lee on a global stage for the first time. Notably, in 2022, the gallery featured a solo exhibition by Urs Fischer, introducing a freshly developed series of paintings by the celebrated Swiss artist. More recently, in 2023, Jason Haam successfully debuted a 26-year-old artist, Moka Lee, at Art Basel Hong Kong, garnering an international following for the young Korean painter.


As the gallery enters its seventh year, Jason Haam plans to expand into an adjoining building, nearly tripling the gallery's size. This new space will serve as an ambitious exhibition venue for gallery artists and provide an enriching experience for visitors. Driven by an artist-centered vision, Jason Haam is committed to developing and promoting the purest, most genuine, and most engaging forms of visual art to both domestic and international audiences. The gallery aims to create mutually enriching environments for artists, collectors, and the broader art world, fostering a vibrant and dynamic art ecosystem.


2017년 함윤철 대표는 아름다운 서울의 역사가 깃든 성북동에 제이슨함 갤러리를 설립했습니다.
탁월한 작품성에 기인하여 독창적이고, 진정성 있으며, 동시대를 대변하는 작품들을 선보이는 데에 목적을 둔 제이슨함 갤러리는 국경과 세대를 초월한 다양한 현대 미술 작가들 과의 협업을 진행 해 왔습니다.
우르스 피셔, 조나단 가드너, 사라 루카스와 같이 글로벌 현대미술을 대표하는 작가들 과의 협업을 통해 한국 미술계에 새로운 비전을 제시해왔고, 아트 바젤 또는 프리즈 같은 주요 국제 아트 페어 참가 및 국내외 전시 활동을 통해 김정욱, 마이크리, 이목하와 같이 새로이 떠오르는 한국 작가들의 국제 무대 진출의 발판을 마련했습니다.
8년차를 맞은 2024년, 제이슨함 갤러리는 현재 위치한 갤러리의 옆 건물로 전시공간을 확장할 예정입니다. 새로운 공간은 함께하는 작가들에게 더욱 자유롭고 신선한 전시를 꾸릴 수 있도록 함과 동시에 한국 현대미술계에 신선한 볼거리를 제공할 예정입니다.