Nora Maité Nieves Puerto Rico, b. 1980
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Nora Maité Nieves (b. 1980, Puerto Rico) is an interdisciplinary artist, whose works are abstracted visual motifs of architectural details. Exploring themes of identity and belonging—as well as the histories of places that we knowingly or unknowingly carry with us throughout our lives—Nieves comments on the sacredness and safety of a single place within a complicated and evolving environment.
There is an inherent and immediate physicality to Nieves’ work, evidenced by the richly textured and tactile surfaces and edges of her brightly colored canvases, which often include a variety of media, including acrylic, flashe, and modeling paste. Drawing inspiration from architecture encountered both in Puerto Rico and New York City, where the artist resides, Nieves acts as a connector between worlds, combining fragments of decorative elements from her Caribbean roots—a ubiquitous modernist concrete block design, tile floor patterning from a past residence—with those from the urban landscape she now encounters on a daily basis.
Nora Maité Nieves (b. 1980 San Juan, Puerto Rico) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She received her MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2010, and her BFA from La Escuela de Artes Plásticas, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 2004. Recent solo exhibitions include: Deep Blue Day, Pink Bright Night, Embajada Foyer, Brooklyn, NY (2021); Full Room in the Sun Room, Fresh Window Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (2019); Paisaje Lunar, Flyweight Projects, Brooklyn, NY (2019); and Tangible at Hidrante, San Juan, PR (2018). Recent Two Person exhibitions: Cuerpo, Espacio y Todo lo que Rodea, Nora Maité Nieves and Yoan Sorin, Embajada, San Juan, PR (2021); Electric Hue, Proxyco Gallery, NewYork, NY (2021). Recent group exhibitions include: Surfacing at Ruiz-Healy Art, New York, NY curated by Carlos Rosales-Silva (2021); Contact Light at Survey Survey, New York, NY (2021); […]ENTREFORMAS, at El Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, curated by Abdiel Segarra (2021); Rubus Armeniacus (Himalayan Blackberry) at Jessica’s Apartment Gallery, New York, NY, curated by Jessica Kwok (2019); Nada Tropical, Miscelanea Gallery, Barcelona, Spain, curated by Ricardo Cabret and Maximilian Juliá (2019); Small Objects at La Salita, New York, NY, curated by Paz Monge (2019); Repatriation at El Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, curated by Bianca Ortiz (2019); and EDDYS Room at Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden, curated by Austin Eddy (2018).
Nora Maité Nieves(b. 1980, Puerto Rico)는 건축적 디테일을 추상적인 시각적 모티프로 변형하며 장르를 넘나드는 작업을 펼친다. 그녀의 작품은 정체성과 소속감, 그리고 우리가 의식적으로든 무의식적으로든 평생 동안 품고 살아가는 장소들의 역사를 탐구하며, 복잡하고 변화하는 환경 속에서 하나의 장소가 가지는 신성함과 안전함에 대한 질문을 던진다.
Nieves의 작품은 즉각적이고 강렬한 물리적 존재감을 지닌다. 이는 그녀의 밝은 색감의 캔버스 표면과 가장자리의 풍부한 질감과 촉각적 요소에서 드러난다. 그녀는 아크릴, 플래쉬(Flashe), 모델링 페이스트 등 다양한 매체를 활용하며, 푸에르토리코와 뉴욕에서 경험한 건축적 요소에서 영감을 얻는다. 두 세계를 연결하는 역할을 하는 Nieves는 카리브해 문화에서 비롯된 장식적 요소—대표적인 모더니스트 콘크리트 블록 디자인, 과거 거주지의 타일 패턴—와 현재 그녀가 매일 마주하는 도시적 풍경을 결합하여 독창적인 조형 언어를 만들어낸다.
Nora Maité Nieves는 뉴욕 브루클린에서 거주하며 작업하고 있다. 2010년 시카고 예술대학교(The School of the Art Institute of Chicago)에서 MFA를, 2004년 산후안 푸에르토리코 미술학교(La Escuela de Artes Plásticas)에서 BFA를 취득했다.
jason haam: five years, part one
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Nora Maité Nieves: Temples of the Sea
19 May - 12 Jul 2022Jason Haam is pleased to present Nora Maité Nieves: Temples of the Sea , the artist’s first solo exhibition with the gallery. Featuring richly textured paintings and totemic wall sculptures,...Read more