Moka Lee South Korea, b. 1996
Moka Lee | Bio
Moka Lee (b. 1996) is a figurative painter who is known to paint images of portraits, still lifes, landscapes that explore relational dynamics between subject matter, viewer, and the artist. With inspirations as diverse as social media, analog photography, motion picture, and Modern Master paintings, the artist’s paintings are charged with unsettling emotions of conflict, pervasive in society - yet often unsurfaced.
Lee’s painterly techniques call attention to the process of painting which is similar to that of a digital printer. The paintings are physically flat yet they are composites of multiple suffused layers. The subject matter, often derived from social media, declines straightforward interpretation and is filled with innuendos and double entendres. These dissonances created within the work can universally be understood but are strangely connected to the artist’s own identity.
Moka Lee has had several solo exhibitions at venues including Jason Haam and Carlos/Ishikawa in London. She has also participated in various group exhibitions at major institutions such as
at Seoul Museum of Art, Busan Museum of Contemporary Art, and Museum Head. Her works were featured at Art Basel Hong Kong in 2023, and she was recognized as part of The Artsy Vanguard 2025.
She lives and works in Seoul, South Korea, where she obtained BFA from Sejong University and is currently studying painting at the Korea National University of Arts.
이목하는 작품 속 대상물과 관람자, 작가 사이의 관계 역학을 탐구하고, 초상화와 정물화, 풍경화를 넘나들며 이를 표현합니다. SNS, 아날로그 사진, 영화, 근대 명화 등 다양한 방식으로 얻은 영감에 기인하여, 작품은 사회에 만연하지만 표면화되지 않은 불안정한 감정의 충돌로 가득 채워져 있습니다.
디지털 인쇄기의 출력 방식과 유사한 기법을 사용하여 완성된 표면은 관람자의 시선을 잡아 끕니다. 최종적으로 마주하는 화면은 평평하지만, 작품은 여러 겹의 레이어가 중첩된 결과물로서 깊이와 색감을 가집니다. 작가가 SNS에서 선택한 대상물들은 직접적인 해석을 거부하고 풍자와 이중적 의미를 갖습니다. 이러한 불협화음은 보편적인 것이기도 하나, 묘하게도 작가의 정체성에 깊이 연결되어 있습니다.
이목하는 제이슨함, 런던 Carlos/Ishikawa 등에서 다수의 개인전을 가졌으며 서울시립미술관, 부산현대미술관, 뮤지엄헤드 등에서 열린 다양한 그룹전에 참여했습니다. 2023년에는 아트 바젤 홍콩 Discoveries 섹션에 참가한 데 이어, 2025년 아트시 선정 유망 작가 10인 ‘The Artsy Vanguard’에 이름을 올렸습니다.
이목하는 현재 서울에서 거주하며 활동 중이고, 세종대학교 서양화과를 졸업하였으며 한국예술종합학교 조형예술과 석사 재학 중입니다.
Karma II at Frieze No.9 Cork Street: Jihyoung Han, Jungwook Kim, Mike Lee, Moka Lee
31 Jan - 15 Feb 2025Karma II: Jihyoung Han, Jungwook Kim, Mike Lee, Moka Lee January 31st – February 15th , 2025 Ground Floor, 9 Cork Street, London W1S 3LL, United Kingdom Opening Reception: Thursday,...Read more -
Deaf Republic
30 Mar - 15 Jun 2024**Extended** 30 March to 15 June, 2024 전시가 2024년 6월 15일까지로 연장되었습니다. Where ignorance is bliss. 'Tis folly to be wise. — Thomas Gray Jason Haam is pleased to announce...Read more -
Karma: Minjung Kim, Jungwook Kim, Mike Lee, Moka Lee
2 - 18 Nov 2023Jason Haam presents 'Karma', a group exhibition of four celebrated Korean painters- Jungwook Kim, Minjung Kim, Mike Lee, and Moka Lee. The show, which will be the gallery’s second exhibition...Read more -
Moka Lee: Innuendo
2 Sep - 14 Oct 2023Jason Haam is pleased to announce Innuendo a solo exhibition of new paintings by a Korean artist, Moka Lee. The show, which will be the artist’s inaugural solo exhibition with...Read more -
jason haam: five years, part one
22 Dec 2022 - 14 Feb 2023On the occasion of the gallery’s fifth anniversary, Jason Haam will present a special two-part exhibition celebrating its five-year mark with artists who have shaped and developed the identity of...Read more
Moka Lee’s portraits capture the likeness of social media strangers
Chloë Ashby, Art Basel, January 20, 2023 -
What Sold at Frieze Seoul 2022
Osman Can Yerebakan, September 7, 2022 -
찰나의 감정을 담는 여성 작가 5인
전여울, W Korea (W website), April 28, 2022 -
한국 미술시장 대팽창의 이면
박세희, Esquire, September 26, 2021 -
동갑내기 MZ세대 여성 화가 2인이 말하는 '요즘 여자 아이들'_인싸 전시 #33
안동선, ELLE KOREA, August 20, 2021 -
디스위켄드룸, 이목하·최지원의 2인전 《0인칭의 자리》 개최
안소현, 서울문화투데이, August 16, 2021
Amanda Baldwin and Moka Lee: Lee and Baldwin works now in Seoul Museum of Art's Collection
Museum Aquisition November 30, 2024Amanda Baldwin과 이목하 작가의 작품이 서울시립미술관에 소장되었습니다. Amanda Baldwin의 ‘Flooded Neptune’ (2022)은 국내 미술기관에 처음으로 소장되었다는 점에서 특별한 의미를 지닙니다. 나무, 하늘, 산등성이 같은 자연적...Read more -
Jihyoung Han & Moka Lee: At the End of the World Split Endlessly (Group) at Seoul Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea
Museum Exhibition September 2, 2024AUGUST 22 – NOVEMBER 17, 2024 SEOUL MUSEUM OF ART, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA SeMA 옴니버스 《끝없이 갈라지는 세계의 끝에서》 2024. 8. 22.(목) - 2024. 11....Read more -
Moka Lee: Masterful Attention Seekers (Group) at Museum of Contemporary Art in Busan, South Korea
Museum Exhibition March 16, 2024MARCH 16 – JULY 7, 2024 BUSAN MOCA, GALLERY 2·3, BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA Jason Haam is pleased to announce that Moka Lee will be showing...Read more -
Moka Lee Featured in MuseumHead's Group Exhibition 'Artificial Tears'
Featured Group Exhibition February 15, 2024FEBRUARY 15 – APRIL 13, 2024 MUSEUMHEAD, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Jason Haam is pleased to announce Moka Lee’s participation in ‘Artificial Tears’...Read more