linn meyers: Paintings for Uncertain Times

31 August - 19 October 2024

제이슨함 갤러리와 linn meyers 작가의 두번째 개인전, 'Paintings for Uncertain Times'이 8월 31일, 프리즈 서울이 열리기 전 주말 토요일에 오픈합니다. 관련 정보는 추후 공지 될 예정입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


Jason Haam is pleased to announce ‘Paintings for Uncertain Times’, an exhibition of new paintings by linn meyers. The show, which will be the artist’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, will open on August 31st and remain on view through October 19th, 2024.


meyers’ works exists in a state of balance, a visual equilibrium of chaos and order. The ‘dots,’ which are products of the artist’s relentless drive to draw, coalesce to construct images that resemble the cosmos or the fluidity of waves. From a distance, her works might easily be mistaken for digital creations due to their intricate patterns and precision. However, upon closer inspection, they reveal a rich and complex tapestry of meticulously crafted expressions and deeply layered intentions. This nuanced detail invites viewers not just to observe but to fully immerse themselves in the experience, discovering new elements and meanings with each closer look.


meyers’ works interweave gesture and geometry, echoing the history of painting while also pushing its boundaries. The artist’s visual language, involving thousands of hand-drawn dots, serves as an archive of her movement, unfolding in multiple permutations. In totality, however, there are predominant vocabularies in her paintings that seem to insinuate art historical elements and compositions, continuously making viewers ponder on the underlying connections to the great masters who preceded her.


All eleven paintings demonstrate her ongoing commitment to abstraction, loosely evolving from her previous works and reflecting her emotional and experiential landscape. The large-scale paintings, for instance, establish a direct and visceral connection between the artist's body and the viewer, conveying a unique paradox of movement within a static visual language. The smaller works, with their intriguing edges and arrangements, suggest the artist’s shift toward treating paintings as objects rather than mere images.


meyers earned her BFA from Cooper Union and her MFA from California College of the Arts. Her works have been included in exhibitions and permanent collections at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, the National Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Kreeger Museum and the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC, the Hammer Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Drawing Center, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Amore Pacific Museum of Art in South Korea, and the British Museum, London, among others.


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