포항시립미술관에서 열린 현대미술 기획전 ≪내일의 날씨를 말씀드리겠습니다≫에 마리 클로케(Marie Cloquet)가 참여 작가로 함께하고 있습니다. 전시에는 총 9명의 작가가 참여하여, ‘기상 예보’를 주제로 불확실성에 맞서는 인간의 실존적 불안과 이를 통제하려는 욕망을 탐구하는 작품을 선보입니다. 기후 변화로 전 지구적 불안정성이 증가하는 한편, 기술 발전으로 더욱 정교한 미래 예측이 가능해진 시대 속 인간의 희망과 불안이 교차하는 지점을 깊이 성찰하는 전시입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
≪내일의 날씨를 말씀드리겠습니다≫
2024. 10. 8.(화) ~ 2025. 1. 5.(일)
포항시립미술관 1,2,3,4 전시실 & 초헌장두건관
Marie Cloquet is featured in the contemporary art exhibition ‘Here’s Tomorrow’s Forecast’ at the Pohang Museum of Art from October 8, 2024, to January 5, 2025. This exhibition explores humanity’s existential anxieties and the relentless pursuit of predicting an uncertain future, with weather forecasting serving as a central metaphor. Nine artists examine the growing complexities of climate change, illustrating that even with the advancements in AI and scientific modeling, uncertainty prevails. The exhibition offers a profound reflection on the intersection of hope and anxiety in an age where climate instability and technological interventions are increasingly intertwined.
≪내일의 날씨를 말씀드리겠습니다≫
2024. 10. 8.(화) ~ 2025. 1. 5.(일)
포항시립미술관 1,2,3,4 전시실 & 초헌장두건관
Marie Cloquet is featured in the contemporary art exhibition ‘Here’s Tomorrow’s Forecast’ at the Pohang Museum of Art from October 8, 2024, to January 5, 2025. This exhibition explores humanity’s existential anxieties and the relentless pursuit of predicting an uncertain future, with weather forecasting serving as a central metaphor. Nine artists examine the growing complexities of climate change, illustrating that even with the advancements in AI and scientific modeling, uncertainty prevails. The exhibition offers a profound reflection on the intersection of hope and anxiety in an age where climate instability and technological interventions are increasingly intertwined.
November 16, 2024